Litigation & Arbitration

Litigation and arbitration are two different processes that can be used to resolve legal disputes. Litigation is the court-based process in which the parties present evidence to a judge or jury in order to resolve the dispute. Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution process in which an arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators make binding decisions on behalf of the parties.

Litigation is typically used when one party believes that they have been wronged and seeks a remedy through the court system. Examples of cases resolved through litigation include breach of contract lawsuits, personal injury claims, and property disputes. In litigation, both parties have the opportunity to present evidence and argument to a court in order to prove their case. After hearing both sides, the judge or jury will make a decision on who should win the case and what remedy should be awarded.

Arbitration is less formal than litigation and generally takes place outside of a courtroom setting. It is often used by businesses as an alternative to litigation because it can be faster, less expensive, and less adversarial than litigating in court. In arbitration, both parties agree to submit their dispute to an independent third-party arbitrator or panel of arbitrators who have expertise in the issue at hand. The arbitrator(s) will review all evidence presented by both sides and then make a binding decision on who should prevail and what remedy should be awarded. The award from arbitration is usually final and binding on all parties involved, meaning that it cannot be appealed or overturned by any court unless there is fraud or misconduct by the arbitrator(s). 

Both litigation and arbitration can be effective methods of resolving legal disputes, but the choice of which to use often depends on the particular facts and circumstances of the case. Generally, litigation is more expensive and time-consuming than arbitration, but it may be necessary if one party is unwilling to enter into an agreement to arbitrate. Additionally, some disputes may not be suited for arbitration, such as cases involving a large number of parties or cases involving public policy issues. Ultimately, the parties involved in a dispute should carefully consider their options before deciding which process is best suited to resolving their dispute.

We have handled number of cases that have gone to trial, and in many instances have convinced the authority to decline prosecution.
Our experience includes work in fraud, bribery, corruption, extortion, customs & tax violation, currency violations, and other.