
Construction law is the body of law that governs the relationships between parties involved in the construction industry, such as builders, contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, and other professionals. Construction law covers a wide range of topics including contracts and agreements, lien laws, payment disputes, construction defects, building codes and regulations, and insurance claims.

Construction contracts are a major part of construction law and govern the rights and obligations of all parties involved in a construction project. These contracts typically include provisions for payment schedules, scope of work/scope of services to be performed by each party, deadlines for completion of the project, and dispute resolution procedures. In some cases, these contracts may also include clauses regarding warranties or indemnification.

Lien laws are another important aspect of construction law. Lien laws allow those who have provided labor or materials to a construction project to file a lien against the property in order to secure payment for their services. These liens can be enforced through legal action if necessary and can help ensure that contractors and suppliers receive payment for their work.

Finally, construction law also deals with disputes between parties involved in a construction project. This may include claims related to delays or breaches of contract or claims related to defective workmanship or materials. In such cases, the parties may attempt to resolve the dispute through negotiation or mediation before resorting to litigation. 

Overall, construction law is an important part of any construction project as it provides clear rules about each party’s rights and responsibilities as well as remedies for any disputes that may arise during the course of a project.

We provide legal advice and representation to clients in the construction industry. Our services include contract drafting, negotiation, dispute resolution, and litigation. We also advise on the legal aspects of project financing, public-private partnerships, and other related matters.