SF Admin Law Firm Law Firm is a legal service provider that specializes in providing legal advice and representation to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. They provide a wide range of services including ... 10 Des 2022
SF Admin Pembentukan KUHP Dinilai Hanya Akomodasi Segelintir Kelompok Pengajar Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera Fajri Nurysamsi menilai, pembentukan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) hanya memberi ruang bagi segelintir kelompok. "Ruang untuk banyak kelompok ... 10 Des 2022
SF Admin Presidential Regulation 112: Indonesia's Commitment to Renewable Energy As the fourth most populous country in the world and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia’s energy demands are continuously growing. As of 2021, 87% of current energy are generated from fo... 26 Nov 2022